Monday, August 17, 2009


“The reality we can observe
is but an imperfect reflection of
a deeper, more beautiful reality”
- Dr. Steven Weinberg

by denny

One of the most wondrous things
about human nature is
we seem to require
a poetic version of life,
attuned to natures ceaseless vibrancy.

We yearn for a perfect sense of self
a longing for beauty, pain
and paradox;
just as the vibrant colors of spring
conceal the muted rusts of autumn.

As if something as delicate as a poem,
ephemeral in its beguiling nature,
daring and whimsical,
somehow divine - could be
the bridge from dark to light.

1 comment:

  1. Denny you have such fine touch of putting words and feelings and meanings together, i really like this poem, it's structure and sense makes it feel perfect like it's title, it is brief and the wise meditative romantic voice that comes out of it makes one think about life and destiny matters...

    i will read (and hopefully comment also) your other poems, i am sure that they will prove interesting and pleasurable...

    take care and happy holidays

    by the way, the blog is nice, i really like the photos and the colors of the background!

    alberto betancourt
